Lux / Be / Fr - Rodange

3 Tripoints

∆ Southeast with France and Germany at Schengen.
∆ Southwest with France and Belgium at Rodange

∆ Northeast with Belgium and Germany at Ouren

Besides this, Schengen is wellknown for the agreement for EU, signed at 4 june 1985 and the

implementation agreement, signed at 19 june 1990. This was signed on board of mv. 'Princes Marie-Astrid,

which was moored to the buoy, which is anchored in the water of the Moselle exactly at the border triangle.

bordermarker 1

Members of the Dutch bordergroup were at 6 octob re 2022 able to visit the tripoint at Rodange, as wel as we visited other bordermarkers on private property as Arcelor Mittal, Pont et Chaussees at Mamer (L) and some musea in Luxembourg city.

This tour was organised by member Jannis Deeleman. See this site for more pictures.

Beneeth some pictures of the tripoint at Rodange.

It is remarkable that there is a border marker on both Luxembourg and Belgian soil. There is nothing on French soil.