Tripoints in the world

The world has a lot of - so called - 'tripoints'. It's the point where the border of 3 country's meet each other.

China is the country that has worldewide the most tripoints: 16. In Europe, Austria is the country with the most tripoints: 9 in total.

For an overview in Europe; click [here].

Beneeth I display the 3i-points I visited. There are some points that ain't real 3i-points where countrys meet. They are for me interesting enough, not to mention.

Click on the image for the interactive website of Jan. S. Krogh.
You also can click [here] for a wikipedia list.

Another 3i-point can be pointed on the crossline of the Dutch 'regions' Salland and Twente with Graftshaft Bentheim. The point is supposed to be at Bm 99.

It ain't a country-border 3i-point, it's similar to the 3i-point of the Dutch 'Provincies' Groningen and Drenthe and country Germany.

grenssteen 99


grenssteen 99

Limburg / Noord-Brabant / België

Another 3i-point can be pointed on the crossline of the Dutch 'provincies' Limburg and Noord-Brabant and country Belgium.

However it ain't a country-border 3i-point, it's similar to the 3i-point of the Dutch 'Provincies' Groningen and Drenthe and country Germany.

Tripoint Be-Li-NB

©Rien de Schipper©

Tripoint Be-Li-NB

©Harry ten Veen ✝︎©

Steen der 7 heerlijkheden
(Stone of 7 lordships)

A former tri-point border marker, still can be found at the 'Stone of 7 lordships'. This border marker is called so in 1648, but was already mentioned in 1331 as 'Paal van Schoongors'.

It signed the border 3ipoint of the countries:

∆ Republic der verenigde Nederlanden

∆ Spanish Netherlands

∆ Bishopric Luik

We start our trip today from 'De Blauwe kei' a spot in Belgium at the canal 'van Bocholt naar Herentals'. He re you find one of the locks in the canal.

From here we will walk to 'De steen der 7 heerlijkheden' and after we will walk to the border Be/Nl to bm 196, 195 and 194.

Steen der 7 heerlijkheden
De blauwe kei

Later it was a bordermarker on the point where 7 lordships met:
∆ Glorie Bergeijk
∆ Glorie Lommel

∆ Glorie Mol
∆ Glorie Postel
∆ Glorie Dessel
∆ Glorie Balen
∆ Glotie Luyksgestel

Nowadays the stone is the BM of the

governorate Antwerp and Limburg in Belgium.

At the start 2 signs shows the possibilities of walking and biking.

The start of the walk is on the other side of the canal, we've to pass two small bridges.

The sign now says:

Exactly on this guardianship boundary stone, 7 lordships Mol, Balen, Dessel, Postel, Lommel, Luyksgestel and Bergeijk bordered each other. In earlier times, this place formed the division between Antwerp, Limburg and North Brabant.


Stone of 7 glories

There should have been a sign that says:


From 1185 until the French Revolution, this domain was owned by thePostel Abbey. In 1840 the de Broqueville family became owners.In 1940 the domain became partly owned by the familyVan Doorselaer from Lokeren, and partly from the Vanlommel familyMol. They founded "The Watering of the Seven Glories" there.This area used to separate Antwerp, Limburg and NorthBrabant. This special point borders the Postels canal,a watercourse that was constructed from De Blauwe Kei in the last centuryto irrigate Postel.The borders of seven villages shone together here as if in a star:Mol, Balen, Dessel, Lommel, Luyksgestel, Bergeyk and Postel.

Source: Aafko Tuin.

The text on the plaque:

'Here 'El Cid' fell with a great horseman.

El Cid grenspaal 194

'Not mentioned is El Cid Campeador aka Rodrigo Díaz de Vivar (1040 - 1099) a Spanish knight.

Mentioned is the horse of Jan van Limbergen from Lommel (B), who's horse was called 'El Cid'.

On this place the horse fell and was dead at once. Jan van Limbergen was unharmed.

Friends from Jan placed the plaquette, may be as 'joke'. Ppl believe it was placed in 1986.

El Cid grenspaal 194

El Cid Campeador (1040 - 1099)

Grenssteen Alphen-Goirle

The old borderstone

Foto ©Aafko Tuin©

Grenssteen Alphen-Goirle

The new borderstone

Grenssteen Alphen-Goirle

The exclosure

Grenssteen Alphen-Goirle

Borderstone of the municipals
of Alphen and Goirle on the Be/Nl border (near Bm 213)

Since 1773 there's a borderstone on this spot. The stone was rather damaged, that the local historyclubs of Alphen and Goirle,

took the initiative to replace the stone.

The disclosure took place on the 20th of april 2024 by both mayors of Alphen and Goirle.

I was priviliged to be part of the ceremony.

Click here to see the complete compilation of pictures.