credits: Božidar Flajšman click for more information.

Tripoint Croatia, Hungaria, Slovenia




IBRG border, bordermarkers,, tripoint, CRHUSLO, Benice, Croatia, Pince, Mur, Slovenia, Hungaria
Borders, bordermarkers, IBRG, Hungary,, grenspalen
Border, bordermarker, mostpoints, tripoint, IBRG,, Slovakia, Slowakije

Near the rivers Krka and Ledava, there is a bordermarker to be found, that indicates the tripoint of HRHUSI.

On june 3th, we tried to reach this tripoint. We did make it up to about 2 km.

IBRG border, bordermarkers,, tripoint, CRHUSLO, Benice, Croatia, Pince, Mur, Slovenia, Hungaria
IBRG border, bordermarkers,, tripoint, CRHUSLO, Benice, Croatia, Mur, Slovenia, Hungaria, Božidar Flajšman

Target tripoint, still to be reached

© picture placed with permission ©

We parked the car at the 'Border football club' of Benica. From there we tried to bike the bikepath next to the river. This should be only 10 km.

Due to time, vegetation, bad road we weren't able to go on. Because the bikepath stopped, we came finally in a swamp field. However we tried walking, even this didn't work out.

For 1 thing I am sure: I will go back!