BEDELU (Ouren)

IBRG, Border, bordermarker, drielandenpunt, tripoint, Germany, Belgium, Luxembourg, BEDELU,
 Europe Monument Tripoint Ouren

3 Tripoints

∆ Northeast with Belgium and Germany at Ouren

∆ Southeast with France and Germany at Schengen.
∆ Southwest with France and Belgium at Rodange

Besides this, Schengen is wellknown for the agreement for EU, signed at 4 june 1985 and the

implementation agreement, signed at 19 june 1990. This was signed on board of mv. 'Princes Marie-Astrid,

which was moored to the buoy, which is anchored in the water of the Moselle exactly at the border triangle.

IBRG, Border, bordermarker, drielandenpunt, tripoint, Germany, Belgium, Luxembourg, BEDELU,
 Europe Monument Tripoint Ouren

As a matter fact, is the picture on the left not quit right. Bordermarkers on both sides of a flew, brook or river indicates that the border is situated exactly in the middle of that flew, brook or river..

This indicates that the border of B/L should be more backwards and the border of B/D should be more to the left. So actually there's a small condominium!

Barry Anold (IBRG) does write more about this discrepancy here on his website. Harry ten Veen explains it as well on his website.

In the North part of Luxembourg the borders of Luxembourg, Belgium and Germany (De), come together in the river Ouren. Here's the tripoint of Lux / Be / De situated at the place where brook 'Ribbach' ends in the 'Our'. This brook actually is the border between Lux / Be.

Actually there's more to see, because the border of Lux / Be is only a few meters situated away from the tripoint.

IBRG, Border, bordermarker, drielandenpunt, tripoint, Germany, Belgium, Luxembourg, BEDELU,
 Europe Monument Tripoint Ouren

© foto van website Harry ten Veen ©

The Europe monument

About 100 mtr. near the 3i-point, the Europe monument is situated. This monument (1977) memories the underseignment by 6 countries of the Convention of Rome (1957). It is Thé main Convention of how the European Union nowadays (2023) is situated.

At the monument a total of 5 rocks are placed. Four rocks visualise the countries
(BeNeLux has 1 rock), 1 rock mention the names of those who undersigned the Convention.

It is located where the territory of Germany, the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg and Belgium meet. The border runs through the Our and the Ribbach. A bridge leads almost directly over the border triangle.

IBRG, Border, bordermarker, drielandenpunt, tripoint, Germany, Belgium, Luxembourg, BEDELU,
 Europe Monument Tripoint Ouren

Of course, the flags of the signatory countries are not missing. Because Nl and Lux have the same flag, the European Union flag hangs here as the 6th flag.